Good Day RettGirls!
This week, at
RettGirl.org we are featuring the
Kidwalk Gait Mobility System. You can find this exceptional product in our
Mobility Category under
Product Reviews.
A few weeks ago My RettGirl and I were fortunate enough to see this product in action at a State Horse show. I was stunned to see just how incredible this Gait trainer/stander/walker really is. We watched in awe as a very small child maneuvered it as a walker over grass and rocks and how it held them in place when they got tired. We just had to go up and ask the parents about it.
KidWalk can be used as a walker as you can see above but can also be locked into place and used as a stander. With just one add on it can be used as a gait trainer which we were told was really helpful before this particular child was able to move on their own. The mother demonstrated how they use in in therapy by just giving a little nudge on the handle bars at the top to signal "go" for the child and off they went. We were so impressed! Made me really wish I had known about this before we ordered our girls system that sits in a corner of her therapy room because it is just too difficult for her to operate.
KidWalk is an innovative pediatric dynamic mobility system that affords freedom of exploration while safely supporting the user. Unlike a gait trainer, the KidWalk has a large mid-wheel configuration that encourages upper-body rotation over the pelvis while allowing upper-extremity freedom. The dynamic action allows lateral weight shift and simulates a natural gait pattern. KidWalk positioning options provide various levels of support to accommodate maximum freedom in upper extremity movement.
The various wheel configuration and small turning radius allows exceptional maneuverability. This is key in affording a child access not only to their home and school environments, but, encourages exploration that has been proven to enhance their cognitive and social development.
Tool-free adjustability is quick exact and easy making KidWalk ideal for schools and institutions. Easy to use, one hand height adjustment mechanism allows quick positive adjustments while the child is in the unit. All positioning options swing away to allow easy placement and positioning of user.
Allows therapeutic adjustment for use in ambulation and therapy oriented activities. Seat and support system move with the client allowing the natural movement of the body while reducing weight and fatigue.
Awesome features of the
•Mag Wheels
•Padded Seat
•Anti Tip Supports
•Lower Back Pad
•Tool Free Adjustment
•Lighted Casters
•Adjustable Axle Positioning
•Two Piece Transport Frame
•Quick Release Axles
•Dynamic Weight Relief
You can check out everything you need to know about this incredible mobility system by clicking below
Have a wonderful week everyone!
Terri V-For