Happy Monday Rettgirls!
We at Rettgirl are so excited to announce the new School Stuff tab at Rettgirl.org!
Over the summer we put our heads together as we were getting our own Rettgirls ready to go back to school. Several of us had girls going to new schools and started thinking about what we wanted for parents and teachers.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a place parents and teachers could go and have an abundance of information right at their fingertips and just a few clicks away?
Click on the School Stuff Tab and it will take your directly to a place we have built just for you. A place where you and your daughters teachers can find information on books,websites,resource papers,software and links about Education and Rett Syndrome! Tons of stuff here that really goes into how a Rettgirls mind works with her body. Teachers will find invaluable information on:
Apraxia and how a Rettgirls brain works with her body
Eye gaze
How to ask
How to respond
Lack of Consistency does not mean lack of intelligence
Therapy Tips
Equipment and software that works
All located in the books,resource papers and links recommended by parents who have been there and advocated for their girls.
We urge you to pass this information on to your teachers,schools and therapists! We are confident you will be glad you did!
As always..If you have a great tip or link that works with your daughter that we don't know about, please let us know so we can share it. Our goal is to make Rett Syndrome a little easier for all of us!
Terri V for Rettgirl