Hello RettGirls!
This week at RettGirl we are featuring the Britax Traveller Plus EL car seat. You can find this incredible car seat in our Product Reviews under Positioning.
We have had this car seat in our van for about a year now and we are so glad we do! We had originally tried to purchase a different one at twice the price when the order taker on the phone had me take a look at this one online. She mentioned the comfort, durability and headrest over and over. I was sold, and it arrived within 2 weeks.
We call it "Abby's Lazy Boy." It is so soft and cushiony. With the headrest or wings, as they call them, we have not had one incident of head flopping. The only bad thing I can say about it is I am pulling a sleeping child out it every time we go to take her out of the van. That is not always a bad thing though. Sometimes when nothing else works to get her to sleep...into the van she goes. A drive or 2 around the block usually does the trick.
Is this car seat just what you've been looking for? Do you have one and want to share your review with us?
From the company website:
Britax Traveller Plus – a forward-facing car seat specifically designed for children with special needs.
The Britax Traveller Plus car seat model meets USA standards (FMVSS 213) for safe and secured travel for your child in a vehicle.
•Forward-facing car seat for children 22 – 105 lbs. (10 – 47.6 kg)
•Appropriate for children with mild to severe disabilities
•“Thigh Depth" should be equal to or greater than the “Seat Depth" (within + or – 1 inch) to promote a proper seating position
The Britax Traveller Plus includes the following standard features:
•Height-adjustable Headrest
•Removable & Washable Fabric Cover
•5-Point Harness (extended lengths of 3" on the belt and the crotch strap)
•Foam Abductor
•Tether Strap – used with ALL configurations
•LATCH Strap – used for children between 22 and 48 lbs (10 kg & 21.7 kg)
•Recline Bar – installs the car seat at a 26° angle for children that need assistance maintaining head control
•Pad Kit to adjust the amount of support for your child
•Buckle Guard
Need I say more? I haven't met a family that has one that doesn't absolutely rave about it!
Hope you all are have a wonderful week! Stay safe!
Terri V~For RettGirl
Hope you all are have a wonderful week! Stay safe!
Terri V~For RettGirl