Monday, November 29, 2010
Whole Body Vibration Platform
This weeks featured product at is the Whole Body Vibration Platform!
You can find this item in our Product Reviews under Sensory and under Therapy!
What in the world is Whole Body Vibration?
Excerpt from Company Website:
WBV vibrates the entire body. The vibrations generated when the motor underneath the platform vibrate the person standing on the platform. These vibrations cause the muscles to lengthen and contract.
An immediate effect of WBV is improvement in circulation. The rapid contraction and relaxation of the muscles basically works as a pump on the blood vessels increasing blood flow.
WBV is highly suited to people who have difficulty training because of Muscle weakness, illness, disorders, weight or injury. It is also highly suitable for persons who want to stimulate and strengthen their muscles without stress on joints.
WBV effects described in studies include: muscle strength, improved bone density, improved blood circulation, toning, cellulite reduction, heightened secretion of hormones associated with exercise and depressed response of hormones associated with stress.
Vibrations cause compression of the bone tissue, activating the bone building cells (osteoblasts), while reducing activity of the cells that break bone down (osteoclasts). In preventing falls and the bone fractures that often result, increasing bone density in not the only important issue. Increased muscle power, posture and balance are factors to consider. Studies involving elderly subjects have shown that all these issues can be improved using Whole Body Vibration.
Research has shown positive effects in pain management and the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis and other ailments. Vibration is a far better alternative than dangerous osteoporosis drugs.
WBV has been demonstrated to significantly increase muscle performance in sedentary people. You entire body musculature, as well as your internal organs and glands are positively affected by WBV stimulation. Even the brain experiences physiological changes. Studies have shown better rehabilitation of injuries or surgery than traditional methods of therapy. It is very good therapy if you have conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis.
Wow, right? So, we thought we'd give it a shot. Two of us at RettGirl have these machines for our daughters. For me I was a bit scared to try my girl on it because of her tremors and low body awareness. I thought it would scare her and I can be a wee bit overprotective..Ok a lot.
Most machines come with various levels ranging from low to high. We put our daughter on her machine and timed it for one minute. I stood by ready to rip her off if she started screaming and set the timer for 1 minute. I was amazed as she stood there giggling and wiggling for 3 minutes!
Like any therapy it's something you have to do and stick with to see results. When we use it every day or every other day we see better balance and better bowel motility with her. When we forget we notice it. She is more easily constipated and off center.
We work her whole body on it by standing her on it and holding on of course. We also work her arms, which are very weak my having her kneel next to it and placing her hands on the machine. The vibrations stimulate all the muscles in her arms and back just by kneeling there, which also helps strengthen her core.
The Whole Body Vibration Platform is a favorite here at RettGirl and comes highly recommended by those of us who have one.
One of our Superstars in action!
Good luck!
Terri V-For RettGirl
Sunday, November 21, 2010
RettGirl. THE Holiday Gift Resource!
We have been working hard for you behind the scenes to make THE Holiday Gift "go to" place!
Much time and research has been put into finding gifts for those oh-so-hard-to-buy-for children of ours. I know many of us spend days walking up and down the isles in a daze. We have compiled a list of tried-and-true gifts that parents have recommended and a few new things that our own girls love!
We have so much to offer at RettGirl as a whole but wanted to make a "go to" list to make Holiday shopping a little easier on everyone!
You can check out full list (with descriptions) at the end of the blog or click the holiday button and view the list at! We have kept everything in the under $40.00 price range so it can be easily attainable and hintable for those Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles!

My First Picture Dictionary (Disney Little Einsteins)
Sesame Street: Elmo’s A-to-Zoo Adventure:Wii
Natural Aquatics Frog Aquarium with 2 Frogs
Sing-A-Ma-Jigs Living AquariumGlo E Light Up Bear
My Pal Violet or Scout(for boys) by Leap Frog
Ocean Waves Music CDFridge DJ Magnetic Learning Piano by Leap Frog
Alphabet Spin and Sing by Leap Frog
We are iPad crazy here at RettGirl! We have all seen the videos and stories coming out of the Special Needs world about how awesome this gizmo is for kids like ours. One of us finally got access to one and went though each recommended app with her own child to see how it would work with a RettGirl! Click on the button above to check out her recommendations!

We now have a button on to directly to the GP2C shop to purchase magnets, tattoos, gift tags, CDs and more! We are so excited about our new Gifts that Raise Money for Rett Syndrome link. What an awesome idea! Girl Power CD's are so much fun! You can now download the CD through CD BABY as MP3 files right off the website! How cool is that? Tattoos, Gift tags, much to choose from! Go Girl Power!
We can't wait for you to visit. Take a look around and buy something special for a girl you love this holiday season!
Best Wishes!
Terri V-For RettGirl
GIFT LIST [click title to visit on and get ordering information]
My First Picture Dictionary (Disney Little Einsteins)
Join the Little Einsteins for a brand-new learning experience! Preschoolers will have a blast learning vocabulary words with this new dictionary. Featuring beautiful full-color photos, and fun Little Einsteins illustrations, My First Picture Dictionary includes over 900 words and definitions organized by situations common to a preschooler’s world. A big winner for grade school girls!
Sesame Street: Elmo’s A-to-Zoo Adventure:Wii
Recommended from a Mom who's daughter can sit for hours watching her siblings play the Wii while grasping for the remotes. This game comes with a special remote with a parent help feature!Teachers letters through engaging mini-games
Easy to follow audio-visual directions that preschoolers can master on their own
Use the second Wii Remote to drop-in and assist your child when needed
Game difficulty adapts to your child’s level
Wii and Nintendo DS versions include Gameplay Helpers to simplify gameplay for your child.
Natural Aquatics Frog Aquarium with 2 Frogs
Our daughter’s school has these in the office. One little tank on every ones desk and my girl screams,giggles and claps every time she sees them.
Free-spirited, offbeat character that features unexpected laughter and excitement with every interaction. Features three modes of play including chatter, singing their own song or singing in harmony with their other Sing-a-ma-jig friends.
In chatter mode they speak their own language full of jibber and jabbers..
They always harmonize with each other perfectly every time.
The more Sing-A-Ma-Jigs you collect, the larger the chorus.
ealistic animated video. Play any Scene individually or all together. The Screendreams videos are the videos that are usually playing on the flatscreen in Doctor and Hospital waiting rooms.
Easy-to-use / Continuous play / NTSC / Dolby Digital Natural Sound Effects / Soothing soundtracks / Vivid picture resolution / Realistic animated video. Play any Scene individually or all together.
We play them at home during quiet and relax time.
Signing Time
This line of videos is by the same woman that does the signing songs on Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. She really makes it fun.
Mini Massager
Also available at Walmart and Walgreens
Glo E Light Up Bear
This bear goes with us everywhere and puts our daughter to sleep every night. A must have! Many bears to choose from.
Karly Wahlin: In My Own Voice
Collection of exquisite, lyrical compositions created by a remarkable young woman with Rett Syndrome who writes her songs one note at a time with the help of a music therapist. Features piano, viola, and two poems.
My Pal Violet or Scout(for boys) by Leap Frog
Great for inducing calmness and sleep. Couldn't we all use a little calmness and sleep. We know a few parents that bought 2 to have one in their own rooms.
Easy-to-use speech output device that holds standard 4″ x 6″ photos. The Talking Photo Album includes a total of 24 pages, each with a individual message capacity of 10 seconds. Insert photos or picture/text cards into the transparent sleeves and record corresponding messages. User squeezes Play button to activate speech.
Great for talking stories, communication books, step-by-step instructions, memory books and personal information.
Two AAA batteries (included).
Fridge DJ Magnetic Learning Piano by Leap Frog
Turn up the learning with a brilliant show of lights and music that encourages children to explore numbers, letters and counting. As the numbers and letters light up, the upbeat music inspires physical movement, too! Very easy to manipulate and fun in the kitchen.
Alphabet Spin and Sing by Leap Frog
Monday, November 15, 2010
Diaper Doublers!

I slowly poured 6 oz of warm water over the length of each pad and diaper and waited about a minute. The diaper with the Maxi Pad was squishy and overflowing to the touch. The Tranquility pad produced no liquid and had slightly expanded. When I removed each pad the Maxi ripped and fell apart. The Tranquility pad came right up and the diaper underneath was dry. Yes dry. So I put the pad back in the diaper and poured 4 more ounces of water into it. After a minute or so I lifted the Doubler up and saw that it did truly absorb the first 8 oz or so and when full the remainder went into the diaper. I again removed the pad and there was still no tearing or coming apart. The search was over! This was the small pad. They come in 3 absorbency levels! Woo hoo!
Monday, November 8, 2010
HeadMouse® Extreme

Good Day RettGirls!
Since we all know that our girls communicate best through eye gaze the HeadMouse® Extreme is a wonderful tool designed for just that.
A few years ago I had a mother tell me that she brought her then 9 year old daughter into school and her Speech Pathologist was waiting. He had a surprise for her daughter. At the end of his index finger was a dot about the size of a paper punch out. She watched in confusion as he sat her girl down and stuck the little red dot right between her daughters eyes and sat her in front of the computer.
Within minutes her daughter was listening to a story and she watched as she followed the words on the page. I can remember her saying that her legs almost went out from underneath her when she heard the computer say," Turn the page" when it got to the end of the page in the story. The computer was reacting to her girl, not giving a command.
I had another Mom tell me that she tried the device at a conference that another Rettmom was showing off. They put the little dot between her girls eyes and went to colors. They asked the then 3 year old what her favorite color was and she immediately picked pink! Amazing!
How does it work?
HeadMouse® Extreme replaces the standard computer mouse for people who cannot use or have limited use of their hands when controlling a computer or augmentative communication device. The HeadMouse translates natural movements of a user's head into directly proportional movements of the computer mouse pointer. The HeadMouse has a wireless optical sensor which tracks a tiny disposable target that is conveniently placed on the users forehead, glasses, hat, etc. It works just like a computer mouse, with the mouse pointer being moved by the motion of the users head.
The HeadMouse will track the user's head with the user located in any comfortable viewing position relative to the computer display. Resolution of the HeadMouse is precise to allow a user to control the mouse pointer down to the minimum, pixel perfect, resolution of the computer display. This precision allows a user to perform such tasks as drawing, gaming, graphics work and Computer Aided Design (CAD).
HeadMouse Extreme connects to the computer or augmentative communication device through a USB port and operates using standard mouse drivers. No special software required. The HeadMouse is powered by the host device, over the USB connection. The integrated electronic tilt sensor automatically adapts to even the most unusual mounting requirements.
Selections can be performed using a variety of adaptive switches, including Origin Instruments Sip/Puff Switch and mouse button software, such as Dragger™. Using Dragger mouse clicks are performed by positioning the pointer and dwelling for a selectable period of time. HeadMouse Extreme also comes with a built-in infrared receiver that provides optional wireless connections for adaptive switches. Beam™ is available for wireless transfer of adaptive switch inputs from a wheelchair to the integrated receiver.
At $ 995.00 we believe this is an incredible device for home and school. Especially considering that most eye gaze equipment runs anywhere from $5,000 to over $20,000.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Hip Helpers®

Good Day RettGirls!
This week, at we are featuring Hip Helpers® Support Shorts. We have these incredible little shorts in our Product Reviews under Positioning.
We discovered these during early intervention with our daughter. They were recommended even before her diagnosis when we were going through that phase whem the only thing the doctors could tell us was that she was 'floppy' or had 'low tone'
We knew she had always slept like a frog when on her stomach and was always completely splayed when on her back. We suspected nothing and called her our little froggy.
When she walked she looked like a duck with her feet always pointed out because she was so hyper extensive. The docs could bend her further than I had ever seen legs go.
We ordered 2 pairs of the shorts. One for while she was asleep and one during the day. The shorts hold her hips in proper position and keep her from splaying. Her walking improved because her balance improved. It almost appeared as though she had previously been trying to walk with her hips out of socket.
There are 5 standard sizes and they will also make custom sizes for you. They have a great size chart and very cute colors to choose from. They are advertised for babies and toddlers in early intervention programs but our daughter is 6 and 44 pounds and still fits in her size C.
For your girls who are hyper extensive in their legs and hips I would highly recommend these. A big plus is that they are super affordable in comparison to everything we have to buy on the Adaptive market at $15-$22 a pair!
Good luck! Have a great week!
Terri V-For RettGirl