This week's feature at RettGirl.Org is the Nuk Brush. You can find this neat little item in our Product Reviews under Sensory.
I have had a Nuk Brush in the bathroom for Abby since her teeth started coming in. Recently, I have had several parents tell me that it is a great tool for oral stimulation. One even commented that it really helped their tube fed child learn to eat again.
Last week at Hippotherapy the Speech Pathologist that runs the place had me bring Abby in early so she could do some oral motor exercise with her. Abby has become quite the drooler lately.
The first thing she got out was this Nuk Brush set. She ran the round brush in a C pattern in her cheeks. She used the flat brush to go over her gums. When she put it on her tongue she immediately wrapped her mouth around it and sucked on it like a straw. I haven't been able to get her to use a straw for almost a year. In one session!
We took the set home and have been using it every day. In the last week we have gotten Abby to at least sip from a straw and eat whole jars of food instead of one bite. I didn't expect results that fast but I'm going with it.
from the company website:
This brush is recommended by Speech Pathologists as well as feeding clinics to wake up the mouth before feeding.The Nuk™ brush massager is used for oral massage, oral stimulation and exploration. It stimulates lateral molar ridges, reduces oral hypersensitivity, and helps develop a tongue groove. The flexible, nubby texture offers valuable sensory input for the child’s mouth. Though this brush was designed initially for teething infants, it has made its way into therapeutic settings as an invaluable tool for sensory exploration. The nubby surface can hold tastes of liquid, purees or crumbs while it is used with supervision as a “spoon” for initial feedings. The NUK brush is approx. 5″ long. Use only under adult supervision.
Good luck everyone!
Terri V~For RettGirl