Good day RettGirls!
This week we are going to highlight our Diet/Nutrition category at RettGirl.org. We are hoping everyone will find something here that can help their RettGirl with those all important nutrition tips, recipes and products.
For those of you who have contact with other families, you know that each girl's little tummy works differently, so we have separated our recipes into separate allergy/tolerance categories.
Quick/Easy- We have several 5-10 minute recipes than you can divide and freeze for heat-and eat-meals on the go or for school.
High Calorie-We are looking for high calorie recipes for those girls that eat by mouth. Easy to make and easy to serve that will help pack on those pounds!
Gluten Free-We have recipes and sites to help you learn how to get that wheat and yeast out of your girl's diet. Many girls, like my own are allergic to wheat and yeast and it took me forever to learn the signs and get her tested. We are always looking for more!
Dairy Free-Learn how to replace those milk products with nutritious alternatives like rice, almond and coconut milk without breaking the bank!
GFCF-Wheat and milk allergies together affect a ton of our girls. Find recipes here or submit yours today!
From liquid vitamins to tummy relief medicine. We have many products here that you really are not told about until you hear it from another Rett parent.
Calorie, fiber and protein boosters, grinders, wheat free pastas and more!
Calorie and fiber tips. Benefits from juices and oils!
Papers on nutrition, websites and more!
We are always looking for info from you,our experts to help RettGirl grow. Please submit your ideas,tips and recipes today!
Happy tummys! And, please, proceed with caution and make any changes slowly and with medical consent where necessary.
Terri V~For RettGirl