Hello RettGirls!
This week at RettGirl.org we are featuring the America the Beautiful – National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass – (Free Access Pass). You can find out all about it and more in our Product Reviews under...drumroll please.....Travel/Camps!
Last year a friend mentioned having this pass and I thought in all my blondness,"How cool for you." Ding. Never dawned on me that this was something available for all persons with disabilities.
This weekend another Mom sent me the link and low and behold..How cool for ALL OF US? Not only can your RettGirl get into any National Park in the Nation...so can everyone riding in her vehicle! Up to 4 people!
This card also entitles up to 50% off extra fees at parks like, boating, camping and equipment rental.
The card is easy to obtain but you must apply in person with documentation from a physician or your SSI documentation.
Think of all the plans you can make without the worry of entry fees and accessibility!
Details from the website:
America the Beautiful – National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass – (Free Access Pass)
How to Obtain an Access Pass Access Pass Use Access Pass Benefits
The National Park Service is an important participant in the new Interagency Pass Program which was created by the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act and authorized by Congress in December 2004. Participating agencies include the National Park Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture - Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Reclamation.
The Access Pass is a lifetime pass for U.S. citizens or permanent residents with permanent disabilities. Documentation is required to obtain the pass. Acceptable documentation includes: statement by a licensed physician; document issued by a Federal agency such as the Veteran’s Administration, Social Security Disability Income or Supplemental Security Income; or document issued by a State agency such as a vocational rehabilitation agency.
The pass provides access to, and use of, Federal recreation sites that charge an Entrance or Standard Amenity. The pass admits the pass holder and passengers in a non-commercial vehicle at per vehicle fee areas and pass holder + 3 adults, not to exceed 4 adults, at per person fee areas (children under 16 are admitted free). The pass can only be obtained in person at the park. The Access Pass provides a 50 percent discount on some Expanded Amenity Fees charged for facilities and services such as camping, swimming, boat launching, and specialized interpretive services.
In some cases where Expanded Amenity Fees are charged, only the pass holder will be given the 50 percent price reduction. The pass is non-transferable and generally does NOT cover or reduce special recreation permit fees or fees charged by concessionaires.
All the info you need on this and more can be found by clicking
America the Beautiful – National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass – (Free Access Pass)
Have a great day!
Terri V~For RettGirl